When Goleman analysed the data he found that when he calculated the ratio of IQ, technical skills and emotional intelligence as components of exceptional performance, emotional intelligence proved to be twice as important as the others.

As a result of this process, lists of ‘ingredients’ for highly effective leaders were developed. These employees were then tested extensively, and their capabilities compared.

In order to create other models, psychologists used other objective measures, such as how profitable a division was, to separate the best performers at senior level from the average. In order to create some of these competency models, psychologists asked the senior managers to identify the competencies that were typical of the organisation’s best leaders. In order to do this, Goleman grouped capabilities into three different categories: technical skills, cognitive abilities and competencies which demonstrated emotional intelligence.
The aim of this was to find out which personal capabilities were drivers of exceptional performance. Goleman analysed competency models from 188 companies, most of which were large global companies. These psychologists have also developed competency models for the lower level positions. The majority of large organisations today, have trained psychologists developing ‘competency models’ which will help them in identifying, training and promoting potential ‘stars’ at leader level. Without it, no matter how high you IQ I or how much training you have, you will not make an exceptional leader. This does not mean that technical skills and IQ are irrelevant, they are important however recent studies have shown the EQ is the key ingredient of leadership. These skills are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. These are a group of skills which allow leaders to maximise both their own performance, and that of their team. What separates great leaders from average ones? According to Daniel Goleman they answer does not lie in technical skills or IQ, it is in fact emotional intelligence (EQ).